In society, among our pupils, in our teaching system, at work, inclu- ding in our professions, women are not equal to men. Domestic chores still largely reserved to women, job insecurity, women confined to depreciated and under-paid jobs, imposed part-time, and salaries inferior to men’s, violences, lesbophobia, their difficulties to exert their right to abort and to have access to contraception and, for both parents, to the public service of Childcare, the reasons of wrath are countless. For SNES-FSU, real equality is a primordial issue in a society still heavily marked by those discriminations against women. As the first trade-union for secondary schools, SNES-FSU intends to play its part in this combat. It inscribes its claims in a global project of a common culture for everyone, integrating the necessary educational work on the issue of equality between girls and boys, between women and men. School, as a place of socialisation and of transmit- ting knowledge, must give young people the scientific, sociological and philosophical knowledge necessary to understand society and to their emancipation. Students, parents, each actor and actress of the schooling system is concerned by this issue: deconstructing sex-related stereotypes reproducing unacceptable inequalities. This must be done mostly at school. SNES-FSU contributes through its reflection and its demands. 

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